Environmental Care


Source Energy want to protect your property and minimise disturbance to the natural environment when installing a heat pump.

We minimise contamination hazards when installing our outside equipment by using biodegradable and non-toxic antifreeze in our ground loops (for ground source heat pumps) and glycol in our air handling units (for air source heat pumps).

Horizontal trenches for ground source heat pump loopsOur horizontal ground source heat pumps use loops of pipe opposed to slinky coiled loops. This firstly reduces soil disturbance as only narrow trenches need to be dug. Secondly, we avoid permafrost as we do not extract too much energy from a small area.

We carefully select our air source heat pump manufactures for the low noise levels associated with their machines, and we position them appropriately to minimise noise pollution.


Our heat pump products use upto 75% of renewable energy, enabling our customers to reduce their fossil fuel consumption and carbon emissions.

We also encourage our clients to consider how they can further reduce their carbon emissions by switching their electricity tariff to Good Energy or generating their on electricity using Solar Panels.

Carbon nuetral websiteWithin our company we also aim to reduce our carbon emissions through efficient driving practices to reduce fuel consumption and implementation of remote heat pump support such as Danfoss Online. We also use a carbon neutral host for this website.

Source Energy carefully select our manufactures with the least potent refrigerants (typically R407c). Further to this, the refrigerant is sealed within the heat pump during manufacture.

Reduce and recycle

RecyclingSource Energy make a conscious effort to reduce waste going into landfill. We recycle all of our delivery pallets and plastic glycol drums. We also work with  Cornwall ScrapStore, a non-profit organisation collecting scrap materials and giving them free to their members for arts and crafts.


At Source Energy we pride our team’s pool of expert knowledge and experience. Our team hold many environmental qualifications that when applied can help us to reduce our and our customers’ environmental impacts.

Green foundation particiantThese qualifications held within our team include:

  • Diploma in Pollution Control
  • Refrigerant recovery and safe handing
  • Part L energy efficiency
  • Eden Project: Green Foundation
  • MSc Climate Change and Risk Management
  • BSc Physical Geography with Science Communication
  • BA English and Geography
  • CIEH Environmental awareness Level 2

 Find out more about our commitment to training.

Source Energy staff training