Energy Saving Week – save energy with a heat pump

Source Energy are pleased to be supporting Energy Saving Week 2013

Energy is a vital part of modern day life. We use energy for heating, lighting, transport, manufacturing and technology (to name a few uses). Fossil fuels provide much of this energy. However climate change, rising energy prices and finite resources, has led the UK to seek cleaner, more efficient, renewable energy solutions.

Domestic space heating and hot water account for almost 75% of the total energy consumed by homes. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) recognises that heat pumps could meet up to 75% of the residential heating demand in the UK (Mitsubishi, 2012).


Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump efficiencyHeat pumps can help you to reduce your carbon emissions and energy bills

For each unit of electricity used by the system, the heat pump produces  3-4 units of heat, making ground source heat pumps and air source heat pumps very efficient. Learn more about Source Energy’s award winning heat pump installation service here >>


Case studies

Whilst installing a heat pump is classed as a ‘higher cost’ energy saving tip by the Energy Saving Trust, the return on investment is significant. See our real life examples here;








Incentives to reduce your energy consumption

The UK government aim to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050 from the 1990 baseline, therefore there are a number of incentives to encourage application of low carbon, renewable energy technologies, such as heat pumps.

  •  You could get RHI for heat pumpspaid to heat you home using a heat pump with the Renewable Heat Incentive, learn more >>
  •  Renewable energy technologies such as heat pumps benefit from low VAT, this is 0% for new build properties and 5% for existing properties, compared to the standard 20%.


Other energy saving tips:

  • You can complement your heat pump with solar panels, these can provide electricity to power your heat pump. You could also benefit from the Solar Feed in Tariff (FiT).
  • You could also reduce your carbon emissions by switching to Good Energy – the UK’s only 100% renewable electricity supplier. Switch here to Good Energy and quote “Source Energy” and they’ll give you £25 off your first bill for the electricity used in your home.


Energy saving week Oct 2013