Energy efficiency for new build homes – Scotland

Tighter building regulations in Scotland from October 2015 will mean that domestic new build properties will be required to reduce carbon emissions by 21% compared to current levels.

“These new measures will help Scotland become greener, a vital step in our drive to a low carbon economy.” Said Derek Mackay, Scottish Planning Minister.

Source Energy Scotland, heat pump installers Scotland, specialise in designing and installing heat pump systems – a sophisticated renewable energy technology.

Ground source and air source heat pumps take ambient heat from the natural environment to produce hot water and heating very efficiently. By adopting an air or ground source heat pump in your new build property, you will help to significantly reduce your carbon footprint. Learn more here >>


Mitsubishi Electric have monitored one of our Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pumps. Data showed that carbon emissions were reduced by 46% compared to if a traditional oil boiler was used for hot water and heating in the same property. In addition the homeowner has benefited from significant financial savings on their energy bills. Find out more >>

Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump efficiency