Customer Feedback Form

As part of our ongoing commitment to achieving high levels of customer satisfaction, it is important that we listen to your feedback. This will help us to resolve any outstanding issues with you and to help us strive towards continually improving our services. This questionnaire should take no longer than 5 minute to complete.

    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Project UPN (if known)

    Section 1: During the buying process

    Did we greet you professionally?


    Did we provide you with full details about your heat pump and related services in a clear and understandable format?


    Did we offer you the opportunity to meet an existing customer to experience a working heat pump and clarify any relevant points you may have?


    Did you take us up on this offer?


    Did we fully explain the handover process to our technical and operations departments when you placed your order?


    Section 2: Pre-installation stage

    Did we greet you professionally?


    Did we provide you with clear instructions during the pre-installation stage to enable your other suppliers to understand the process?


    Did we complete a technical site survey?


    Did we resolve any issues arising at pre-installation stage in a professional and calm manner?


    Section 3: Installation stage

    Did we arrive on site promptly?


    Did we discuss the installation with you before starting work to clarify any outstanding queries in a clear and concise manner?


    Did we communicate clearly and professionally with other trades involved in your project to ensure it ran smoothly?


    Did we leave the installation clean & tidy?


    Section 4: Handover of the heat pump

    Did we explain the controls and alarms clearly?


    Did we demonstrate the heat pump user manual to you?


    Have you received your handover pack?


    Have we given you details of our ongoing maintenance and support services including details of relevant contact information?


    Section 5: Quality of service

    Please rate the overall quality of our service to you:

    Additional comments to help us improve our service are always welcome, please use the space below to give us your feedback:

    To help spread the word about our service, we would like to publish customer feedback on our marketing material and website. If you would NOT like us to include your comments please tick here.

    Do not include my comments

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this short questionnaire. If you would like one of our representatives to contact you please outline the nature of your query here and let us have a daytime contact telephone number for you:

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