5 common heat pump myths busted

Myth 1: Heat pumps can’t be installed in existing properties

Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pumpGround and air source heat Pumps CAN be used to replace a boiler in an existing property – but we will only install a heat pump in a property which has sufficient levels of insulation. If you contact us for a quote we will conduct a survey to assess the suitability before providing you with a proposal. If we deem this unsuitable, we recommend you look into the Green Deal for financial support to improve your insulation.

Myth 2: Radiators cannot be installed with a heat pump

RadiatorThis is untrue. Whilst we typically recommend underfloor heating, specially sized radiators can be installed to distribute heat around the property, which may have to be slightly larger than the radiators for traditional heating systems. If you want to install a heat pump in your existing property, it should be assumed that the radiators will need replacing however sometimes traditional heating systems have oversized radiators, we will assess these and advise you on whether you can keep your current radiators.

Myth 3: Air source heat pumps are noisy

Quiet Mark for Mitsubishi EcodanAir source heat pumps generate some noise as this involves a fan to pull the air through the system, many compare this noise volume to that of a fridge. To avoid disturbance Source Energy will install an air source heat pump away from any bedroom windows, we also recommend the Mitsubishi Ecodan air source heat pump, which has been awarded the ‘Quiet Mark’ from the noise abatement society. We would also invite you to see a local air source heat pump installation to assess the volume yourself.

Myth 4: Heat pumps are too expensive

finance-logoFor a typical 4 bedroom property you are looking at an installation cost of around £13,000 for a ground source heat pump, and £8,000 for air source heat pump. Whilst this may be an initial high capital cost, we anticipate that you will see a significant reduction in your energy bills. You could also be eligible for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), a scheme to repay you some of the costs for installing a renewable energy technology for heating.

Early claimants of the RHI are broadly seeing the 7 year domestic tariffs pay back the whole cost of ground source heat pumps solutions or approximately 50% of the cost of air source heat pump solutions.  Source Energy have launched flexible customer finance solutions, to further overcome any issues our clients have with upfront costs. Clients are offsetting their finance repayments with RHI tariff payments.

Myth 5: Heat pumps are unattractive to the eye

Manifold chamberIf you are concerned about equipment outside your property you may be best with a ground source heat pump, this has no external equipment except for a ground source heat pump manifold chamber.

If you are looking at installing an air source heat pump there will be an air handling unit outside your property, where possible we will recommend a discrete location. Many of our off-gas clients believe that air source heat pump unit is more appealing to the eye than an LPG or oil tank. We also clean the unit at the annual services to keep the air source heat pump looking presentable.

Some of our heat pump manufacturers have developed packaged cylinders to improve the appearance of the installation. We also advise Mitsubishi Ecodan Packaged Cylinder Unit installed by Source Energyagainst installing the internal equipment in a main living area of a property, so that this is normally concealed in a plant room, laundry room, cupboard or garage – meaning it is tucked away with those other unattractive appliances such as your tumble dryer or hedge trimmer.

Have you heard any rumors about heat pumps? Tell us by emailing info@sourceenergy.info or call 0800 865 4328 and our experts will provide you with honest advice. We would never sell you a heat pump unless we believe it is the most suitable solution for your property.