Solving serious heat pump problems

Source Energy saved the day for this customer, solving his heat pump problems. Although we fitted the underfloor heating, another company installed his heat pump.

Unfortunately the company who carried out the installation ceased trading, leaving behind serious heat pump problems:

  1. The system had been poorly located which led to a lot of noise being heard in the kitchen and dining area.
  2. The hot water system was leaking as a result of being installed incorrectly.
  3. An undersized ground loop meant that the heat pump was unable to meet the heating requirement of the property.
  4. The builder had fitted insulation over the underfloor pipework, which meant that very little heat was reaching the first floor bedrooms.

    heat pump problems

    Ceiling and oak floor cut out to install new underfloor heating pipework

Source Energy stepped in to resolve the issues; we repaired the malfunctioning hot water system, relocated the heat pump to a suitable location, laid 400 metres of additional ground loops and replaced the first floor underfloor heating system.

In order to install new underfloor heating pipework to the relocated heat pump, we had to cut into the brand new ceiling and oak floor!

Thousands of pounds and months of stress later, the re-installed heat pump was finally working to its full capability.

Senior Source Energy Engineer Dominic Nicholls commented on the success of our remedial work – “It was a complete mess! But since the extensive problems were resolved last year, we haven’t had to make another visit!”

Source Energy engineers 45 years of combined industry experience, so you can rest assured that by choosing us to provide your total heat pump package, you’re in safe hands. Call 0800 865 4328 today and talk to one of our experts about your project.