Heat Pump or Wood Burner? There’s no need to choose!

Why choose between tradition and technology when they can work so well together?

Heat pumps and underfloor heating form what I like to call the dream team of the heating world. Many of my clients in Herefordshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire agree, opting to combine the efficiency of a heat pump with the luxury feel of heat under their feet. But the dream team isn’t an exclusive club; there’s no reason that open fires and wood burners can’t contribute and heat your home alongside an expertly specified heating system.

There is no need to choose between the traditional cosiness of an open fire and the sophistication of renewables, because heat pumps are far more intelligent than old boiler systems. Heat pumps constantly monitor exterior and interior temperatures; they don’t just turn on and off.

The system will only start to produce heat when exterior and interior temperatures drop below preset values, ensuring that your property maintains a constant and comfortable ambient temperature.

If a wood burner joins the heat pump and underfloor heating dream team, the system can detect that the heat demand of that particular room is being met, before focusing on distributing heat to other areas. The result is an efficient system that will not waste energy on heating rooms that do not have a demand.

There is of course an argument that underfloor heating is unnecessary in rooms with wood burners or open fires. While it is up to you to determine the extent to which your property will rely on these traditional heat sources, with increasingly cold winters in Wales and the Midlands, it’s likely that there will be times when you would benefit from the extra warmth from a source that requires a lot less effort than stoking a fire. Also, if in the future you decide to sell your property, an integrated, simple heating system may be a much more attractive prospect to potential buyers with no experience in manual heating.

So why choose between that signature fireplace and an intelligent heat pump with underfloor heating when you can have both? Combine elegance with efficiency and rest comfortably in the knowledge that you and your family will always be warm.

  • Heat pump, fireplace and underfloor heating

Speak to your Wales & West England Heat Pump Expert for more advice about combining heating solutions by calling 0800 865 4328.