Shortlisted for renewable energy installer of the year at the Cornwall Sustainability Awards

Cornwall sustainability awards renewable energy installerSource Energy has been short-listed for ‘Best Cornish Renewable Energy Installation Company’ at the Cornwall Sustainability Awards. These awards recognise the efforts of local business to improve their own sustainability and the sustainability of the Cornish economy as a whole.

As a renowned high quality renewable energy installer, Source Energy is committed to sustainability. We help our clients to reduce their carbon emissions and energy consumption by installing very efficient ground source and air source heat pump systems to provide a sustainable source of hot water and heating.

Our staff are highly qualified in reducing carbon emissions and ensuring highly efficient ground and air source heat pumps. One of our senior engineers Martin Hodges has demonstrated an exemplary commitment to the environment by reducing the carbon emissions associated with his heating by 46% through installing a Mitsubishi Ecodan, air source heat pump, learn more here >>

We also embrace a range of sustainable business practices, such as; recycling of scrap materials, implementation of an efficient driving policy, development of remote maintenance support to reduce mileage where possible and use of specialist materials and equipment to minimise environmental disturbance during the installation process.

Find out more about our care for the environment here >>

The awards will be held on 6th December 2013.