Breaking heat pump news: Domestic RHI tariffs announced

Householders with heat pumps installed since 15th July 2009 meeting MCS requirements “could get paid hundreds of pounds a year” announced Greg Barker, Energy and Climate Change Minister in a DECC press release today.

The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is a 7 year tariff designed to encourage the uptake of renewable heating technologies across Great Britain to help cut carbon emissions,  meet renewables targets and help households reduce their energy bills.

Heat pump Renewable Heat Incentive RHI grantsAir source heat pumps will receive 7.3p/kWh

Ground source heat pumps will receive 18.8p/kWh

Source Energy are delighted with these tariffs and pleased to announce that many of our existing clients will meet the eligibility requirements, find out more here >>

These tariffs are expected to help offset the initial installation costs, providing householders with a win win situation. Not only will homeowners be paid for the renewable heat generated in their home on a quarterly basis for 7 years, they will benefit from reduced energy bills associated with this highly efficient technology.

Ben Hodges MD of Source Energy commented “This announcement provides our clients with the re-assurance to invest in a heat pump for their property, benefiting from both long term running cost savings and now long term financial support to offset initial installation costs. We expect a significant increase in installations over the next few years”

“Investing for the long term in new renewable heat technologies will mean cleaner energy and cheaper bills. So this package of measures is a big step forward in our drive to get innovative renewable heating kit in our homes.” said Greg Barker.

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