
With Ashes fever running high, the announcement by DECC on Friday of the domestic renewable heat incentive (RHI) seven year tariff rates was as unexpected as Ashton Agar’s contribution to the first test. Just as my inaugural post discussed the concerns of consumers and industry at the continued delay in the announcement, DECC finally come out to bat.

I actually feel that my 74 page consultation response was read and responded to. Our core market over the last nine years for heat pumps has been the self builder. It is great that this key group is getting the support it deserves from being the early adopters of ground and air source heat pump technology.

The inclusion of second homes within the scheme (with additional metering) is also to be welcomed. It is a fact of life that wealthier people tend to lead a more energy consuming lifestyle. They are also better able to afford the higher up front cost of a heat pump over a traditional boiler and should be rewarded in taking that decision.

Addressing fuel poverty for those at the other end of the financial spectrum is just as critical. Inclusion of social housing providers and private landlords is key to improving the energy efficiency of large numbers of the UK housing stock. The choice of eating or heating is not a decision I would like to have to make.

No hotspot or snicko required. This decision is a great one.

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