Ground Source Heat Pumps

Ground source heat pumps can provide both hot water and heating. There are two forms of energy collection; vertical boreholes and horizontal loops in trenches. Both are highly efficient.

vertical ground source heat pump horizontal ground source heat pump


  • Ground source heat pumps typically run at a higher efficiency to air source heat pumps. Therefore they are more effective at reducing energy bills and carbon emissions.
  • As ground source heat pumps do not use external fan units, they are more discrete and typically run more quietly than air source heat pumps.
  • Ground source heat pump installations can be eligible for the domestic RHI or commercial RHI, this is a government incentive which will pay you money back when you install a heat pump. Find out more »


  • Ground source heat pumps can require larger initial investments than air source heat pumps. However, the return on investment is potentially greater with this type of installation.
  • As heat pumps run at a lower temperature than conventional boilers, properties must have a high level of insulation to retain the heat provided by the heat pump. In addition, an efficient wet system heat distribution, such as underfloor heating or an efficient radiator system, will be required.
  • For information on how the Green Deal could help you to improve the insulation in your property please click here »

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The guide to ground and air source heat pumps

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