Domestic RHI – How to apply

Before applying for the domestic RHI, we recommend applicants read the essential guide for applicants produced by OFGEM.

The application process has been designed to be simple and should take around 20 -30 minutes to complete (if you have all the required documents ready before you begin the application process).

Source Energy can not apply for the domestic RHI on our clients’ behalf. If you encounter difficultly in your application please refer to the essential guide for applicants. If you require additional support you should call The Energy Saving Advice Service (England & Wales) on 0300 123 1234 or Home Energy Scotland (Scotland) on 0808 808 2282. If your question is directly related to your heat pump, please call Source Energy on 0800 865 4328.

New applicants

New applicants are those who have had their heat pump commissioned on or after the launch of the domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (9th April 2014)

You will require the following documents:

  • Your MCS certificate issued by Source Energy after commissioning of your ground or air source heat pump.
  • A 3rd party Green Deal report, this excludes self build properties, find out more here »
  • An EPC (this is included in Green Deal assessments) find out more here »

Apply for the Domestic RHI on the OFGEM website »

Legacy applicants

Legacy applicants are those with a heat pumps that was commissioned before the launch of the domestic Renewable Heat Incentive, but after 15th July 2009.

  • Legacy systems don’t need to meet current MCS installation standards – being MCS-certified at the time of commissioning is sufficient.
  • Applicants with legacy heat pumps must apply for the domestic RHI by 8th April 2015.
  • OFGEM will be phasing legacy applications, learn more here »

To apply you will require the following documents:

  • Your MCS certificate issued by Source Energy after commissioning of your ground or air source heat pump.
  • A 3rd party Green Deal report, this excludes self build properties, find out more here »
  • An EPC (this is included in Green Deal assessments) find out more here »

Apply for the Domestic RHI on the OFGEM website »

What next?

After applying for the RHI, you may be contacted by OFGEM to provide proof of identity (Eg. A copy of; a valid passport, driving license, birth or marriage certificate etc) and  a copy of a bank statement or letter from your bank dated within the past 3 months. If this is requested you will have 28 days to return this information.

Learn more about how to speed up the review process here »